

The intercultural recruiter: Diversity check!


Cross-cultural recruitment has picked up quite a trend in these past few years. A trend which is notably important to facilitate communication in business dealings between countries. It’s foremost important in attracting a talented diverse workforce, retaining them & in understanding how to thrive on their distinct inputs. Ever since the world of business has stepped into the process of globalization, many companies have had a tough time breaking out of their regular communication pattern within their organization. They have encountered or are still facing difficulties in making the most of their diverse staff. The reason is that companies are not willing to step out of their comfort zone & create a sustainable environment for their diverse workforce. Promoting diversity within an organization doesn’t simply end at hiring different nationalities. You for sure enter into an international dimension, but we need to go beyond that & adopt the intercultural aspect. Providing opportunities to establish themselves, tailor-made trainings to enhance their skills & ensuring a level of transparency by sharing key figures, results and challenges are core to the successful integration of a diverse crew in a company. In recruitment, there is a big emphasis on reinforcing intercultural communication, as more & more we are coming across candidates belonging to different cultures. An intercultural recruiter can help make a suitable match between a candidate coming from another country & a company which is seeking to explore foreign markets, for instance. The vice versa is also very essential, that been said, It’s also possible that we seek to understand a diverse profile & assist them in breaking through a company which can benefit from his/her knowledge and aptitude. Now with companies trying to penetrate into upcoming growing markets like India, Brazil, etc. we recruiters are bound to step into the shoes of our talented foreign candidates, to derive the crucial information that they are trying to put forth, to understand their background, perspective, & most importantly their expectations. Only then, can we do our job properly, that is to bridge the gap between our final client & the candidate. There is a need for us to break out of our traditional recruitment set ups to hunt & attract the right talents. Understanding their distinguished cultures & stowing away our prejudices, is key to reaching out to them through different social media channels, interactive job application processes & creative direct approach techniques. So fellow recruiters pimp up your recruiting style & add that extra intercultural feather to your hat.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               - Koyal TURBELIN


Koyal débute sa carrière en Inde au sein d’ONG comme psychologue pour accompagner des enfants en milieu défavorisé.

Elle interviendra également au sein de grandes entreprises internationales auprès des équipes locales (KPMG et CapGemini) pour piloter des projets de développement de psychologie positive (conflit management, stress, role ambiguity, …).

Elle poursuit sa carrière en France où elle affine ses compétences sur les enjeux du management interculturel, notamment en occupant des positions de formatrice et de business developer. Elle complète sa formation par un MSc en commerce international de l’IESEG (Lille), où elle renforce sa sensibilité à l’Entreprise et au business international.

Elle a depuis lors rejoint ALMAS Associates en qualité de Psychologue, consultante junior et chargée de recrutement international.

Elle contribue au développement du département Assessment Programs Almas en déclinant notamment les programmes en anglais et en les renforçant pour traiter des enjeux multiculturels, multisociaux et multigénérationnels.
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